Saturday, September 5, 2009

Lead-Off Batter

Hello All!

My 1st official blog post! After several months contemplating this idea, it took a sleepless night to get me in front of the tube and start hammering away. I am not sure what I am getting myself into, but I hope that there is someone out there that will read my random thoughts on my life. Content will consist of everything from eating, drinking, running, traveling, sports, music, and anything else that I may partake in this thing called life.

I am a big fan of Anthony Bourdain and his show No Reservations. This guy stole my gig! I envy the guy who is paid to travel worldwide, eat anything in sight, absorb various cultures, drink enormous amounts, and to display a sense of sarcasm and wit. Does he run, because I still don't know how he stays thin?

Speaking of running, or in my case plodding, this is one of my favorite activities. There was a time where I would run 10Ks and marathons on a consistent basis. Somewhere along the line, I stopped running for whatever reason. Oh, I think it was something called marriage and starting a family. Excuses aside, I have come back to the activity that I love. I have never been a fast runner, but I would always find a way to finish. I think what's important to me now is just being able to get out and soak in the surroundings and have that feeling of freedom alone out on the trail. Which brings me to my recent conflict. I started running about 4 months ago and have been training for a marathon this fall. I've enjoyed the runs and the workouts, but part of me doesn't want to commit to a race anymore. Am I crazy? I still want to follow a training program, reap the results, and feel a sense of accomplishment, but I am not sure about signing up for a race. We'll see what happens. Long Beach and Big Sur are around the corner.

And then there is the wine. Living in California, we are very blessed to have access to all the wineries in our area. I'm lucky to have wineries literally minutes away and wonderful owners and growers that are willing to take the time to talk about their wine, their craft. My love and intrigue of wine has me wanting to learn everything about Vinticulture from the ground up. With that in mind, I'll start taking wine academy classes this Fall, hopefully prepping me to get my CWS certification (Certified Specialist of Wine). If not, worst case scenario, I'll be an edumucated wino :)

Funny thing, the hardest part of the blog was coming up with a title. It had to tie in all the things I love, not just one aspect. Food, drink, running, music, sports...geez, what in the world could that be. I played around with "Fill Your Glass", "Fill Every Glass", "The Long Run", "Making A Run", "Plodding Along", and some others which were references to a Grateful Dead, Eagles, or Ryan Adams song. So, "Life In My Years" made the final cut. There is another blogger out there using the same title, but I'm sure we won't get confused based on my screen name and my blog content. Anyway, here's the quote that did it for me and I felt very fitting:

"It's not the years in your life that count, it's the life in your years." -Abraham Lincoln.

Well, this zombie has just seen the sunrise through his office window and is going to muster up some energy to go out on a morning run. Let's see what happens.


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